
Uniforms and other items can be ordered through the Qkr! app. Download the app from your app store:

Uniform Orders - Android

Uniform Orders - iPhone

Once downloaded, click here for how to set up the Qkr! app


If your child has a medical condition, such as asthma, allergy and epilepsy, these forms must be completed by your child's doctor every year.

All conditions: Medical Action Plan Form.pdf plus the relevant form below:

If you child needs medication administered at school, such as Ventolin, Ritalin and antihystamines, one of these forms must be completed:

Prescription medication: Administration of Medication Form B.pdf

Non-prescription medication: Administration_of_Medication_Form_A.pdf


Parents/guardians can apply for assistance to cover the cost of school levies through STAS:

Student Assistance Scheme STAS