School Newsletter - 19th January 2025
From the Principal
Principal Awards
Merit Certificates
Sun Smart
Readers's Club
Professional Support Staff 2025
Hot Lunch Program 2025
Run Club
Athletics Carnival
School Photos
Early Years Programs 2025
Ice Cream Sales
School Association News
Important Dates
Student Free Day
School Opens at 8:30AM
Allergy Aware
5/6 Sport Roster
Working With Vulnerable People Registration
Move Well Eat Well
Launnie Connecting Community in Waverley
Community Notices
From the Principal

Welcome to another exciting year at Waverley Primary School! It has been wonderful to see students returning with enthusiasm and positivity towards school attendance and learning.
Our Year 6 Leaders and Coordinator proudly received their leadership badges and signed their Contracts of Office at our whole school assembly. We look forward to seeing their positive impact as they support and lead our school community. Well done!
At Waverley, we believe that strong relationships are important to our successful school community. When we connect with and respect one another, we create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued, and supported. We encourage all members of our school community—students, staff, and families—to prioritise connection by fostering positive relationships.
This term, our students will focus on the value of Connection—building meaningful relationships that strengthen our school community. Positive relationships are essential for learning, and every student deserves opportunities to succeed in an environment that is safe, inclusive, and supportive.
Our staff play a vital role in modelling respectful behaviour, communication, and attitudes, ensuring that students experience certainty and consistency in all their interactions. Respectful interactions, open communication, and a commitment to working together are key to fostering a positive and connected school culture.
To strengthen our connections, we warmly invite all families to join us at Snag ‘n’ Chat BBQ after school each Friday fortnight. There will be time for you to discuss the Interim Report during the week of 10-13th March. This will be a wonderful opportunity to come together, meet staff, and celebrate the start of the school year. In the meantime, please know that senior staff and teachers are always available to chat if you have any questions or concerns.
Important Updates
2025 Student Validation Form
On the first day of school students were given their 2025 Student Validation Form packs. Your cooperation in completing these forms is crucial to ensuring that our school maintains accurate and up-to-date information for each student, especially in case of emergencies. Please carefully review the provided information and make any necessary changes on the form. The first class that returns all their forms signed will receive a FREE pizza lunch.
Consent to Publication of Personal Information
The Consent to Publication of Personal Information section on the form is of utmost importance. Your consent is sought for matters related to minor excursions, photographs, publication of student and family names, as well as samples of work in the school newsletter and media. This section requires annual updates.
Please ensure the forms are signed and dated by the parent/guardian listed, and return it to the school by Friday, 21 February.
Additional Documents
Accompanying the Student Validation Form, you will find the following documents that demand your attention:
Special Data Collection Form - For Parents/Carers
This form is designed to gather specific information that will aid us in providing the best possible support to your child throughout the academic year.
ICT Acceptable Use Agreement
A document outlining the acceptable use of information and communication technology within the school. Your acknowledgment of this agreement is essential. Students Kinder-Grade 6 who have returned their ICT Agreements will be able to use their iPad or laptop as a learning tool.
Kindly take the time to carefully review and complete these forms, returning them to the school office by Friday, 21 February.
If your child has a medical condition which may require special treatment (for example asthma, allergies) your child will need a Medical Action Plan.
A plan from the Doctor and information from you is required so that we can ensure we have current and correct information. Please make sure your child's class teacher is aware of your child's condition as a priority.
Please contact Amanda Chugg at the school office to formalise the Medical Action Plan.
If students require any medication whilst at school, we require a signed form from the doctor stating dose and time of medication, plus a signed form from the parent authorising the administration of medicine or tablets. These forms can be obtained from the school office. Medication must be provided in the original packaging.
The DECYP policy on mobile phones, Off and away all day, applies to all Tasmanian Government Schools. Students are reminded that if they bring a mobile phone to school, it must be handed in to the Admin Staff each morning. Phones will be returned to students at the end of the school day.
Please make sure you remind your child(ren) about being safe on the way to and from school. Please encourage them to use the road crossings safely.
It is very important that students do not enter or leave school through the staff carpark as this is a very busy place from 8:30 am - 9:00 am and from 3:00 pm.
We encourage students to take up the healthy practice of riding scooters or bikes to school if parents consider it a safe option. The law requires helmets to be worn when riding. When students enter school grounds, bikes and scooters cannot be ridden and need to be pushed, to ensure all people in our school yard are safe.
Scooters and bikes are stored in the bike rack at the front gate.
Fizzy drinks, cordial and sports drinks are not for school. Water is the preferred hydration option for learning and play. Please no glass drink bottles. Thank you for supporting your children's health and learning.
Our Times of the Day
Block | Time |
08:30am | Music plays - Classrooms and breakfast program opens | |
Block 1 - 120minutes | 09:00am | Bell sounds, students in class |
09:00-11:00am | Learning time | |
RECESS | 11:00-11:30am |
Block 2 – 90minutes | 11:27am | Music plays |
11:30am | Students in class | |
11:30-1:00pm | Learning time | |
LUNCH | 01:00-01:40pm | Supervised eating 12.50-1.00pm in classrooms or on decks |
Block 3 – 80minutes | 01:37 | Music plays for students to move to little assembly |
01:50 | Students in class | |
01:40-03:00pm | Learning time | |
03:00pm | Bell sounds, end of day |
Our school values
We are:
- Safe: We work and play in a way that is safe for all members of the school community
- Helpful: We work together to support each other
- INclusive: We value the right of everyone to learn and take responsibility to ensure that access to a high-level educational program is accessible to all
- Excellent: We aspire to be our very best at all times
Our Department for Education Children and Young People values

Newsletter access
Please note the following information:
Schoolzine SZapp and our Text message service are our main source of communication.
The newsletter is published every second Wednesday through Schoolzine and can be viewed through the SZapp.
The Waverly Primary School Facebook page is a great way to stay informed about what is happening in and around our school.
At Waverley Primary students' attendance and safety are high priorities. If your child is absent or late please phone our school office ph: 6339 1455 or send a note via the SZapp. All lateness and absence must be explained. This is a legal requirement by the Department for Education Children and Young People.
An SMS text message will be automatically sent to the mobile phones of parents/carers explaining that our records show that your child is absent from school.
The message will arrive on the phone displaying the number: 0447 100 316 Please save this number as ‘WPS Absentee’ so that when the message arrives you are aware is has come from our school.
You can reply to the text to explain the absence please add: your child’s name, reason they are absent or late.
Students will participate in excursions, related to our class program. There will also be an opportunity for a small group of parents with a Working with Vulnerable People registration to assist with our excursions.
We believe that communication between families and staff is crucial in building relationships. You are welcome to speak with teachers face to face before or after school. Alternatively, I can be contacted via email (listed below)or via the school office who can book an appointment or pass on a message. You can visit the school office in person or phone: 6339 1455.
We provide several opportunities to meet with parents for face-to-face meetings to discuss student progress.
Additional Information
Ice Cream Sales
School Student Leaders conduct ice cream sales once a week. These can be ordered and purchased on the Qkr! App., pre-paid at the beginning of each term (forms are sent home) or students can pay on the day.
Allergy Aware
We are an allergy aware school. We discourage the use and consumption of nuts and nut products as well as eggs and egg products.
Important Room Change Update for Early Years Programs
Itsy Bitsy Babies and Little Steps Playgroup.
We would like to inform you about a decision we've made regarding the allocation of classrooms for our Early Years programs.
In our ongoing effort to enhance the learning environment for all students, we have made some adjustments to better accommodate the needs of our growing community. Our Kindergarten room will be used for all Early Years and Pre-Kinder programs on Thursday and Friday.
We look forward to welcoming you to the new Early Years space and appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to strive for excellence in education.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to meeting with you soon to discuss these changes in more detail.
Kind regards,
Katie Wightman
Year 6 Leaders

Principal Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of Principal Awards received at the assembly held on Wednesday 12th February
- Lincoln B
- Willow R
- Mrs Courtney Singline

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to the recipients of Merit Certificates received at the assembly held on Wednesday 12th February.
- Connor D
- Rory P
- Rubi D
- Jye W
- Leo R
- Lillian W
- Nate F
- Isaac R
- Cas P
- Leah R
- Indigo R
- Lincoln G

A wonderful start for our Kindergarten students!
Our Kindergarten students have had a fantastic start to their journey at Waverley Primary School! They have settled in beautifully, embracing new routines, building friendships, and exploring their learning environment with curiosity and enthusiasm.
We are so proud of our newest learners and know they are going to have an amazing year ahead!
Ky Salter

Sun Smart

Readers's Club
Professional Support Staff 2025

Hot Lunch Program 2025

Run Club

Athletics Carnival

School Photos

Early Years Programs 2025
We are excited to welcome families to our Early Years Programs for 2025! To launch these wonderful programs, we invite you to our Open Morning on Friday, 21st February. This is a great opportunity to explore our Early Years space, meet our educators, and learn more about the programs we offer.
The programs will officially commence in Week 4, with Little Steps and Itsy Bitsy Babies starting on Thursday, 27th February, and Pre-Kinder beginning on Friday, 28th February. All sessions will take place in our Early Years/Kindergarten Room, providing a warm and engaging learning environment for our youngest learners.
We look forward to a fantastic year ahead! For more details, please see the flyers below.
Ky Salter and Laura Allen (Early Years Team)

Newsletter access
Please note the following information:
Schoolzine SZapp and our Text message service are our main source of communication.
The newsletter is published every second Wednesday through Schoolzine and can be viewed through the SZapp.
The Waverly Primary School Facebook page is a great way to stay informed about what is happening in and around our school.
At Waverley Primary students attendance and safety are high priorities. If your child is absent or late please phone our school office ph: 6339 1455 or send a note via the SZapp. All lateness and absence must be explained. This is a legal requirement by the Department for Education Children and Young People.
An SMS text message will be automatically sent to the mobile phones of parents/carers explaining that our records show that your child is absent from school.
The message will arrive on the phone displaying the number: 0407 580 106. Please save this number as ‘WPS Absentee’ so that when the message arrives you are aware is has come from our school.
You can reply to the text to explain the absence please add: your child’s name, reason they are absent or late.
Messages from you to school
To ensure your messages are received and actioned in a timely manner and without error, please use the following:
- Absentee notifications - Enter details using the SZapp by 9:00am to notify the office of student absence.
- End of day messages - Send a message using the SZapp or call 63391455 before 2:30pm.
- Queries and other messages - Send a message using the SZapp or email
- Uniform & icecream/icypole orders - Order and pay on the Qkr! app
We endeavour to respond to enquiries within 2 business days during school terms.
Messages from us to you
In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we will push information out to you via the SZapp. It is very important that all of our parents have signed up to the Schoolzine app to receive notices and information.
If you require assistance in setting up or using the SZapp or the Qkr! app, please contact the office.
A reminder to please ensure your child(ren) are dressed in school uniform for their day at school. Our school has very high expectations for our school uniform and many visitors to our school give extremely positive feedback about how smart our students look. We ask that any long sleeves under polo tops are gold keep to with our school colours. We ask that students please wear black trackpants/trousers or shorts.
A reminder that our Waverley Primary School jackets are great for an extra layer over a school jumper. Uniform items can be purchased at the main office or through our Qkr! app, with items being delivered to students within a day.
Please note: branded leggings and very short hot pant style shorts are not part of our school uniform.

Ice Cream Sales
A reminder that we have ice cream sales on a Monday at lunch time. All proceeds support our Year 6 celebration activities. You can order your ice cream or icy pole on the Qkr! app or you can bring cash on the day.

School Association News

Important Dates
Friday 21st February | Early Years Open Morning - 9:00am-10:30am |
Monday 24th February | School Photo Day |
Wednesday 26th February | Launceston Cup Day - NO school for students |
Thursday 27th February | Little Steps Playgroup - 9:00-10:30am |
Thursday 27th February | Itsy Bitsy Babies - 2:00pm-3:00pm |
Friday 28th February | Pre Kinder - 9:00am-10:30am |
Friday 28th February | 5/6 Friday Sport |
Friday 28th February | Snag and Chat - 3:00pm-4:30pm |
Tuesday 4th March | Athletics Carnival |
Thursday 6th March | Little Steps Playgroup - 9:00am-10:30am |
Thursday 6th March | Itsy Bitsy Babies - 2:00pm-3:00pm |
Friday 7th March | Pre Kinder - 9:00am-10:30am |
Friday 7th March | 5/6 Friday Sport |
Student Free Day

School Opens at 8:30AM

Allergy Aware
We are an allergy aware school. We discourage the use and consumption of nuts and nut products as well as eggs and egg products.

5/6 Sport Roster
Friday 21st February | BYE |
Friday 28th February | Basketball Waverley v St Leonards @ Waverley |
Friday 7th March | Basketball Waverley v Riverside @ Riverside |
Working With Vulnerable People Registration
Parents and carers if you remain with your child in their classroom beyond school drop off, or volunteer for parent help, or would like to attend a school excursion we must see a copy of your registration card. When you sign in at the office please enter your RWVP number.
It is against the law for a person to work or volunteer at any DECYP School without a current working with vulnerable people registration.
If you would like to volunteer at Waverley Primary School we would love to hear from you. To apply for registration please follow the link below:

Move Well Eat Well
A reminder to everyone that we do not bring energy drinks to school.

Launnie Connecting Community in Waverley

Community Notices

Do you LIVE, WORK or VISIT St Leonards and Waverley?
The City of Launceston want to hear from you!
We are preparing a Neighbourhood Plan:
- To guide how the local area will develop and evolve over time.
- Your input will help create liveable communities..
Complete the quick survey here: St Leonards and Waverley Neighbourhood Plan | Tomorrow Together Launceston
Survey open until 6 December.
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