School Newsletter - Vol.7_15 May 2024
From the Principal
Cross Country
Swimming and Water Safety Program
1/2 Meallin Art News
RACT Road Safety Awareness Day
Staff Profile
Share your thoughts on school attendance
National Simultaneous Storytime
Smart Food Award
Merit Certificates & Awards
Early Years Programs
Allergy Aware
Ice Cream Sales
5/6 Friday Sport
Important Dates
Staff Information
Working With Vulnerable People Registration
Move Well Eat Well
Community Notices
From the Principal

During the recent school holidays, we have made significant improvements enhancing our school environment. The installation of the Prep-1 playground turf, shade sail poles, and the glass enclosure of the deck outside the 2-3 classroom show our commitment to providing a safe learning environment for our students. We remain dedicated to prioritising projects that contribute to the continuous improvement of our school. During term 2 and 3 we will be developing a master plan, and we eagerly seek input from parents, students, and staff to ensure that our school reflects the values and aspirations of our community.
At assembly last week we shared the importance of taking pride in ourselves and embracing daily routines. Simple tasks such as making our bed and being on time may seem trivial, but they lay the groundwork for personal success and fulfillment. By starting the day with small accomplishments like making the bed, we cultivate a sense of self-respect and confidence, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.
Following daily routines, such as arriving on time to school, starts the learning day with discipline and responsibility. These habits not only earn the respect of others but also foster self-esteem and resilience, essential qualities for navigating life's challenges. Whether it's excelling academically, advancing professionally, or nurturing relationships, the habits we cultivate early on profoundly influence our future opportunities.
I urge all our students to prioritise punctuality and attendance. Our students presence matters, and your commitment to supporting them to be present sets the stage your your child’s academic success and personal growth. It is very important that we receive communication from parents/carers regarding your child’s absence. By working together to improve attendance reporting, we can ensure that every student's educational journey is supported.
- School Opens at 8:30am
- Class starts at 9:00am
- School Finishes at 3:00pm
Every small action we take contributes to our collective success and wellbeing. When we embrace daily routines and take pride in ourselves we can achieve our personal best. Together, let us strive for greatness, knowing that even the simplest gestures can make a world of difference.
Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting our students' learning to create a vibrant community at Waverley because every school day matters.
Kind regards,
Mrs Wightman
Prep/1 Playground Improvements

Cross Country
On Friday 17th May, Waverley Primary School will be hosting the school’s Cross Country race. Students will participate in their running event and the distance will depend on their age group.
Results from the grades 3-6 races will determine who makes the LSSSA (Launceston State Schools Sports Association) team on Thursday 6th of June. Information will be sent home with those students who make the team.
Students are invited to wear their house group colours.
- laymina – lake - Blue
- truwala – mountain – Green
If you are unsure which house group your child is in, please contact the school office.
Who: | P-6 |
When: | Friday 17th May, 11:30am-12:50pm |
Where: | Waverley Primary School Oval |
Cost: | No cost |
Parents and carers are invited to attend the carnival and cheer on students as they participate in events. All visitors must sign in at the sign in desk at the oval and remain in the visitor area at all times.
Approximate times are listed below.
Approx. time | Grade | Distance |
1140 | 3 | 1200m |
1150 | 4 | 1200m |
1200 | 5 | 1600m |
1210 | 6 | 1600m |
1220 | 2 | 700m |
1230 | 1 | 700m |
1240 | Prep | 400m |
1250 | Announcements |
As students will be representing Waverley Primary School, it is expected that they will follow and display the SHINE expectations of:
- Being Safe
- Being Helpful
- Being Inclusive
- Being Excellent
This includes being a fair and friendly team member as well as opponent.

Swimming and Water Safety Program
Waverley Primary School’s Swimming and Water Safety program will commence during weeks 5 and 6 this term for students in grades 3, 4 and 5. Students will travel with their teacher to Launceston Church Grammar School via bus each day and will learn in small groups. Students are expected to bring to school their bathers, a towel and plastic bag to put their wet clothes in. A note will come home on Friday with more information.
When: Monday 27th May – Thursday 6th June
Where: Launceston Grammar School
Time: Grade 3/4- 9:30am-10:30am, Grade 5 -10:30am-11:30am

1/2 Meallin Art News
In Miss Meallin’s art lessons, we have been looking at how to make different colours pop by using contrasting colours and drawings. To show our understanding of this technique, we first focused on drawing of a Chinese Koi fish. Then, using a ‘birds eye view’, we carefully sketched the fish outline, adding colourful oil pastels and watercolour, including white crayon lines for bubbles. The blue and orange made the fish pop off the page! We hope you like them.

RACT Road Safety Awareness Day
On Wednesday May 1st RACT shared information about the importance of Road Safety. Each class had a 45 minute session which included a short story and online games around road rules. We would like to thank Sarah Boylen from RACT for her delivery of the sessions. Walk to School Safely Day is also a part of Road Safety Day and is extremely important within our school community. Important messages from this initiative are:
- Children up to eight years old should hold an adult's hand on the footpath, in the car park, or when crossing the road; an adult is defined as a parent, caregiver, grandparent, sibling in high school or older, other relative or neighbour, or other adult as advised by the child's parents/carers.
- Children up to ten years old should be actively supervised in the traffic environment and should hold an adult's hand when crossing the road.

Staff Profile

We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to Michael Doolan, our new Education Facility Attendant, who brings a wealth of experience in cleaning and ground maintenance to our school.
Share your thoughts on school attendance
Help us better understand any barriers that may be in the way, and what supports are needed to help with getting to school.
The Department for Education, Children and Young People is doing statewide consultation on school attendance. 3P Advisory is independently running the consultation. Your answers are confidential, and you won’t be identified.
We want to hear from you. You can take part in an online survey, share or vote for suggestions, or join an online drop-in session via the 3P website. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
You can also share your thoughts about what you like or don’t like about our Every school day matters campaign.
As a parent or carer, please have your say. Please encourage your child/ren, too.
Every piece of feedback counts. Thanks for helping shape future DECYP initiatives, school-based engagement strategies and public awareness campaigns.

National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime will take place at noon on 22nd May. This event will see all student K-6 participate in the reading of the story Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker. There will be much excitement to share promoting the value of reading and literacy, the fun of books and the celebration of storytime activities.
Mr Millwood
Quality Teaching Coach

Smart Food Award
We are proud to announce that we have received a Smart Food Award for achieving PLATINUM standards in the following areas:
- Food Service Policy and Procedures
- Food Safety
- Menu
- Whole School Approach to Eating Well
- Sustainability practices
Congratulations to everyone involved in the School Food Matters program.

Merit Certificates & Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of merit certificates and awards recevied at the assembly held on Wednesday 8th May.
Merit Certificates:
- Layla C
- Harper O-C
- Malakai A
- Lochie B
- Alistair N
- Rubi D
- Esmae L
- Madalyn M
- Elliott M
- Harley C
- Charlotte C
- Harry T
- Zara M
- Castiel P
- Jayde R
- Charlotte M
- Mia R
Principal Awards:
- Lorenzo C
- Melodie D
- Gabby Anderson - Staff member
- Amanda Colgrave - Staff member
Early Years Programs
At Waverley Primary School we run a number of Early Years programs for children aged 0-5 years. We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces at one or more of our progams.

Hats must be worn by students when outside in terms 1 and 4. Please check with your child that they have their school hat. School hats can be purchased from our uniform shop.
School shorts or trousers are plain black. We have some examples of shorts and track pants in our uniform shop that can be purchased from Kmart. We also have a range of second-hand items to give away or that you can purchase. Our staff in the School Office are very happy to help you and your child(ren) with all uniform needs.
Please note: branded leggings and very short hot pant style shorts are not part of our school uniform.

Newsletter access
Please note the following information:
Schoolzine SZapp and our Text message service are our main source of communication.
The newsletter is published every second Wednesday through Schoolzine and can be viewed through the SZapp.
The Waverly Primary School Facebook page is a great way to stay informed about what is happening in and around our school.
At Waverley Primary students attendance and safety are high priorities. If your child is absent or late please phone our school office ph: 6339 1455 or send a note via the SZapp. All lateness and absence must be explained. This is a legal requirement by the Department for Education Children and Young People.
An SMS text message will be automatically sent to the mobile phones of parents/carers explaining that our records show that your child is absent from school.
The message will arrive on the phone displaying the number: 0407 580 106. Please save this number as ‘WPS Absentee’ so that when the message arrives you are aware is has come from our school.
You can reply to the text to explain the absence please add: your child’s name, reason they are absent or late.
Messages from you to school
To ensure your messages are received and actioned in a timely manner and without error, please use the following:
- Absentee notifications - Enter details using the SZapp by 9:00am to notify the office of student absence.
- End of day messages - Send a message using the SZapp or call 63391455 before 2:30pm.
- Queries and other messages - Send a message using the SZapp or email
- Uniform & icecream/icypole orders - Order and pay on the Qkr! app
We endeavour to respond to enquiries within 2 business days during school terms.
Messages from us to you
In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we will push information out to you via the SZapp. It is very important that all of our parents have signed up to the Schoolzine app to receive notices and information.
If you require assistance in setting up or using the SZapp or the Qkr! app, please contact the office.
Allergy Aware
We are an allergy aware school. We discourage the use and consumption of nuts and nut products as well as eggs and egg products.

Ice Cream Sales
A reminder that we have ice cream sales on a Monday at lunch time. All proceeds support our Year 6 celebration activities. You can order your ice cream or icy pole on the Qkr! app or you can bring cash on the day.

5/6 Friday Sport
Week 3 - 17th May | Netball - Waverley v Riverside @ Waverley Football - Waverley v Summerdale @ Summerdale |
Week 4 - 24th May | Netball - Waverley v Summerdale @ Waverley Football - Waverley v Punchbowl @ Punchbowl |
Week 5 - 31st May | BYE |
Important Dates
Thursday 16th May | Littles Steps Playgroup 9:00am-10:30am |
Thursday 16th May | Mini Movers 10:30am-11:15am |
Friday 17th May | Pre-Kinder 9:00-10:30am |
Friday 17th May | Cross Country - Prep to Year 6 |
Friday 18th May | 5/6 Sport |
Tuesday 21st May | The Smith Family Cooking Club |
Wednesday 22nd May | Cross Country - Kinder Itsy Bitsy Babies 2:00pm-3:00pm |
Thursday 23rd May | Little Steps Playgroup 9:00am-10:30am |
Thursday 23rd May | Mini Movers 10:30am-11:15am |
Friday 24th May | Pre-Kinder 9:00am-10:30am |
Friday 24th May | 5/6 Sport |
Friday 24th May | City Mission Snag and Chat 3:00pm-4:30pm |
Monday 27th May - Thursday 6th June | Water Safety Program - Years 3-5 |
Friday 7th June | Moderation Day - Student Free Day |
Monday 10th June | Public Holiday |
Staff Information
Teaching Staff
ALLEN | Laura | Teacher Pre-Kinder / LiFT | |
BROWN | Georgie | Learning Support Teacher | |
EDWARDS | Kerrin | Teacher | |
ENNIS | Grace | Teacher Prep-1 | |
FOLEY | Sally | Visual Art Teacher | |
HARRISON | Laura | Teacher 4-5 | |
JOHNSON | Courtney | TIPP 2-3 | |
MATUSKA | Siobhan | Hands On Learning | |
MEALLIN | Liv | Teacher 1-2 | |
MILLWOOD | Sam | QTC | |
MILNE | Jackson | Teacher 5-6 | |
PEL | Megan | AST | |
POPOVICH | Louise | Teacher 2-3 | |
PRICE | Anita | Assistant Principal | |
SALTER | Ky | Teacher Kindergarten | |
TOWNS | Belinda | Learning Support Teacher | |
WIGHTMAN | Katie | Principal | |
Staff – Student Support and Wellbeing Team
DAVIDSON | Stu | School Nurse | |
DIXON | Brendan | School Social Worker | |
MILNER | Kyla | School Psychologist | |
NILSSON | Paige | School Speech Pathologist | |
WHEATLEY | Cecilia | Aboriginal Program Worker | |
Staff - Teacher Assistant
AVERY | Tracey | Teacher Assistant |
BLAND | Toni | Teacher Assistant |
COLGRAVE | Amanda | ESS and Teacher Assistant |
DOHERTY | Rachael | Teacher Assistant |
EVANS | Petrina | Teacher Assistant |
EWART | Kim | Teacher Assistant |
HANSSON | Linda | Teacher Assistant |
ILES | Emily | Teacher Assistant |
JEX | Leanne | Teacher Assistant |
JOHNSTONE | Lisa | Teacher Assistant |
LADE | Mel | Teacher Assistant |
MANNING | Belinda | Teacher Assistant |
MACNEVIN | Grace | Teacher Assistant |
PHILLIPS | Arabella | Teacher Assistant |
SYMES | Tom | Teacher Assistant |
WAGER | Nicole | Teacher Assistant |
Administration Team
ADAMS | Amber | School Business Manager |
CHUGG | Amanda | Clerk |
WAGER | Nicole | Clerk |
Education Facility Attendant
ANDERSON | Gabby | EFA |
BROWN | Peter | EFA |
DOOLAN | Michael | EFA |

Working With Vulnerable People Registration
Parents and carers if you remain with your child in their classroom beyond school drop off, or volunteer for parent help, or would like to attend a school excursion we must see a copy of your registration card. When you sign in at the office please enter your RWVP number.
It is against the law for a person to work or volunteer at any DECYP School without a current working with vulnerable people registration.
If you would like to volunteer at Waverley Primary School we would love to hear from you. To apply for registration please follow the link below:

Move Well Eat Well
A reminder to everyone that we do not bring energy drinks to school.

Community Notices